When a question is asked about PR and its history and meaning, many refer to books. Some argue that history have started millenniums ago, others say it has began when job itself has appeared at different times in different countries and cultures.
If most Western nations work of books examples, Eastern cultures play against them. In literature, manipulation is less used by PR practitioners because of its negative influence if uncovered, which then raises bad reputation. That has its main concern in this new developing industry. However, manipulation is well known in Eastern Europe, and more specifically Bulgaria.
The most recent case was a month when elections had taken places. And manipulation and corruptions were the main tools for success. Bulgaria has now a new president and new mayors in the cities of the country. The nation of roses is considered by many foreign research groups and financial investigators, to be the poorest of all EU countries. Now you most likely ask yourself the question, so why would a person want to be a mayor or a president of such a country, when prosperity is at the bottom of a box? I personally would add, and why would you be manipulative and using corruptive manners to achieve that?

If you can not answer at least one of the two questions, let me help you. Bulgaria might be the poorest country on paper, but not by facts. Tourist all over Europe, Russia and even off seas and oceans travel to visit God's beautiful creation. In not so many places you can see all the four seasons on their most prettiest vision and where else than Bulgaria you can have a perfume made from roses, which grow everywhere in the country. The sea and mountains do not make exception, only some people do. The way to understand all of what have been said is to live in the country and experience all negative impact wealthy people do in order to become wealthier. And do not get me wrong, they get richer not by mind or soul, but by materialism.
The hunger for property, money and power is a trend that some are fighting agains, others are fighting with, thirds are supporting it.

Mr Plevneliev is the newest 7th (4th long-term) president of the Bulgarian Republic. And while he gives important interviews and building up awareness around the media on how to improve the country and the lifestyle of the Bulgarian citizens, the National Railway Services are on strike. BDZ is a one of the structures that has left under the country's management and supervision. Previously national banks, telecommunications and others have been sold to private corporations, which now dictate a monopoly in the country. However,
Bulgarian Railways strike is due to unpaid salaries and while people are getting together to stand against this inhumanity, railway transportation is becoming slower, out of date and out of schedule. This can be as well taken as a conspiracy, because people use of transport shifts towards other private transportation like the bus lines. That would be the logical move and decision by publics, but have thought that in a poor country where people do not have much money and use trains, instead of yet slower bus transportation for long distances gets on strike in such a moment. And this is not the only time that has happened, referring to previous years when train delays and strikes have appeared, pushing people to use buses a lot more then travelling with BDZ.

To conclude as this seems to be a long story already, There will be many years yet to come before Bulgaria start using the real purpose of PR and that would be building up brand's reputation before destroying it indefinitely.